by kuro-hime
The Reborn! story revolves around a boy named Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, who is chosen to become the Vongola Family's boss due to him being the great-great-great-great grandson of the first Vongola boss, who had moved to Japan from Italy during his time. He is told by Reborn that he will become the tenth (Italian decimo) Vongola boss. Also, the other candidates for the position of the head of the Vongola Family have died. For these reasons, Tsuna is the only remaining heir. As such, Timoteo a.k.a. "Vongola IX", the current head of the family, sends Reborn, an infant hitman from Italy, to train Tsuna. Tsuna then unwillingly undergoes training from Reborn. Reborn's main method of teaching Tsuna is the "Dying Will Bullet", which will make the person be "reborn" with a stronger self intent on fulfilling his dying will. Through his experiences, the initially clumsy and underachieving Tsuna unconsciously becomes stronger and more confident, which ultimately makes him better suited as the Vongola Family's boss despite continuing to reject his Mafia inheritance.
(~adapted from wikipedia~)
Finally, after 203 episodes. it finally ended. For a series that started out as a gag, it's transformation into a kick ass shonen genre is really smooth.
When it was first released, it was quite lame as the lame slapstick jokes get repeated over and over again. Honestly, I would recommend you skip ALL the gag episodes and only watch it when the action begun.
When the action begun, it was great. The plot is good too. Sometimes, Tsuna is a little cowardly and stupid but that's the reason you love him. Who would want to support a smartass, know-it-all, super confident mafia boss? (Ok, most of us would but somehow, Tsuna character makes it very hard for you to NOT support him.)
Did I mention the characters? There's a hell lot of characters in KHR but it's not overwhelming. And seriously, you will be able to remember them almost all of them. Because it has so many characters, there's so many more characters to love and hate. The character developments here is good too. I'm impressed at how the author have so many ideas for so many different characters. And to make it even more awesome, the major and some minor characters have their own quirky habits which is kind of lovable!
The art here is GREAT and so is the background music. It's all very well done. It looks very high budget to me.
I also like the fact that the anime follows the manga very closely. It doesn't have much difference. I like that.
This is an anime with a good mixture of humour, action and drama.
However, this anime do has it's flaws sometimes. But then again, it's easily ignored because everything else is so good.
I rate it 7.5 out of 10~!
And to all KHR fans out there, I heard that the anime isn't really over. There's a next season called Reborn Generation X or Reborn X Generation.Whatever it is called, I look forward to more awesome action~!!