Reviewed by Amaryllis
This is among the few books that I've read from cover to cover, again and again.
Undoubtedly it was quite original in terms of story lines & character composition. It was fun, very much engaging & detailed right till the end.
This book is very visual...much like a movie. Many battle scenes either bland & dull or leaves you lost. But here I could en visualize the city and how the fortifications were put together.
In this book, I have no particular favourite characters as everyone of them was very rich. Also Oskan was a refreshing change from the typical self-important, blind and generally stupid male hero with enormous ego found it most books of this genre
Personally I find this to be an amazing read & I would recomend this if you enjoy reading fantasy esque books.
Ratings: A-
~additional review by kuro-hime~
It's an alright book. Nothing special but it isn't too bad either.
In the beginning, I liked the fantasy part of it.
Too bad, the author description of the battle scenes or any scene gets me lost sometimes. There's too much detail sometimes that my brain don't know which to process first.
But then again, when the author gets those description right, the visual image in my head of the book is stunning.
Characters were alright. Nothing really special.
This book is just an ordinary story book. It doesn't seem to be outstanding but it's not a terrible book either. The story seem to lack something, be it the writing style, plot or etc...
So if you just want a book to escape from the world for a few moments, I think this is the book for you.
I know why it'll never be a bestseller but it'll be enough to entertain people.
It's not too memorable either.
I rate it 5 out of 10.