Rates, Reviews & Action~!! are divided into five categories - books, manga, anime, drama and the occasional movies. As to the content of our reviews, beware as they may contain the unintended spoilers in the form of synopsis and such. However we will do our best to keep potential spoiler elements to a minimum. All reviews are purely based on our opinion. Thus they are subjective and may be subjected to changes.
I review everything from the good, bad and very rarely, the abandoned with only several exception.
- I especially favour historical, romance, tragedy, and fantasy.
-Others that I may consider are depending on the plot, character etc..
-I dislike genre such as mystery, horror, martial arts, non-fiction, graphic, smut, violence and poetry
But above all, I prefer compelling storytelling and well made character over the plot. I also accept ebooks for reviewing.
Kurohime Says-
I love anything that leaves me thinking or entertained. So, bring it on~!
Unless otherwise noted, all review material - books, anime, manga, drama, movies - are obtained independently either by online streaming, purchasing or loaned by library, friends, family etc.