Reviewed by JuliaAerides
Finally the arrival of the awaited 7th installation of HP. Part 1 is the first time our trio left the confines of Hogwarts, wandering mindlessly searching for bits and pieces of Voldemorts soul. Beware though, If you haven't been around for the last 6 movie, you're wasting your time because it is specifically for fans. (READ: people who knows whats going on)
HP7 is the darkest thematically where the good guys are fighting a losing battle. From the beginning it was a massacre & maiming of our characters. Casualty includes Dobby & Mad eye Moody.
On the bright side, the two part movie means more character development. The pacing was excellent although certain characters (eg. Kreacher) did not get the screening they deserve. On whole its a prequel with teasers of more to come
Rating A