Reviewed by JuliaAerides
I haven't have much expectations for this movie~ expecting it to be a usual boring 'world domination' plot recycled many times over. Boy was I wrong~ The pacing was excellent. Not too much explanation but well placed flashback sequence either featuring Duke/Baroness or Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow. Clocking below 2 hours, this is an action packed movie with loads of humour and its fair share of wtf moments that will keep you quite entertained.
Basically, G.I Joe is an elite military force led by the might-die-soon-in-future-sequel leader, General Hawks. His top troops comprise of a complete badass mute ninja Snake Eyes, intelligence expert Scarlet, technical brainiac Breaker and weapon master Heavy Duty.
They are introduced when a soldier convoy got blasted by the bad guys while transporting warheads capable of mass destruction. And naturally the only two survivors Duke and Ripcord became part of G.I Joe to track down their assailants The Baroness who has some history with Duke, rival ninja Storm Shadow, two timing weapon dealer McCullen, and the all time twisted mad scientist The Doctor.
Tech-wise the science gizmo are pretty awsome~ Apparently jamming electrode into a dead persons brain allowes you to replay their last memories. (We should test that theory sometimes~) But I think they seems to overdoing the 'shattering the glass' explosion effect. And somehow the Baroness reminds me of Catwoman- Her leather body fitting outfit is more of a fan service-designed to show of the best of her assets.
The action constantly shifts from dense forests, the streets of France, underwater bases, to high-altitude jet fights and a number of places in-between. The major sequences are both intense and sufficiently humorous with non stop barage of chases, explosions, destruction of mational landmarks and general mayhem across the globe.
My verdict: 7.7