Thursday, June 28, 2012

Legend of Korra

Reviewed by Kurohime

Legend of Korra, the sequel to Avatar : The Last Airbender.

Well, season 1 recently just finishing airing.

The plot? 

It's about Korra, the new avatar who's trying to master airbending from Tenzin (Aang's son) but there's a threat that is posed, which is Amon, who is trying to equalize the world by getting rid of bending. 

My review of it?

I had high expectations because I am a huge fan of the original series. Did it disappoint me? Well, maybe a little.

Frankly, I found this new series to be a little dry. There was humor but not enough. It was all very serious. 

I felt that the main characters lacked character development & maturity (Korra & Mako). I understand that they are teenagers and teenagers make mistakes or does the stupidest thing. But the characters here, they do not seem to realize that they made a mistake or are being stupid.

The other characters in Legend of Korra were more enjoyable but I wished that there was more character development but maybe because it's a short series, it wasn't able to do that.

There were also a lot of romance and love triangle implied in this series. I didn't really like that. I felt that it was unnecessary. Love interest and love triangles are alright as long as they don't hog the screentime, not allowing for more plot growth or character development. It was alright to hint romance but shoving it in my face was just too much.

Oh, I also hated the finale because Amon just exploded and died. That's a pretty dumb & disappointing way of ending a pretty interesting villain. I really like Amon because he was enigmatic and interesting. But unfortunately, he's gone now.

Other than that, the series was alright. 

Watching this made me miss the original series and I really wanted to see the original characters to appear in this new series. It was nice seeing their children and some flashback. To me, that was the best part.

On its own, Legend of Korra is a pretty good show but it isn't great.

Compared to the original series, Legend of Korra is nowhere as great as the original series.

Maybe, the reason why I didn't enjoy the new series that much was because I'm biased towards the original series since I miss it and think the world of it.

Anyhow, I give it a 5 out of 10.